At the core of our people’s soul lies the heart of the warrior. The true heart of the warrior is not born in the ability or means to destroy. The true heart of the warrior is a heart born of love. The heart of the warrior is born in the love for oneself, for ones family, friends, folk, culture, gods and goddesses.
The warrior’s heart acts from the love of these things to protect and preserve them. To the heathen we live in a world teeming with life, life is holy, life is good, the world is good, and we do not aimlessly seek to destroy.
Yet as heathens, in living within the world we value certain things. We value freedom, we value the right to live according to our ways, to speak the language we choose, whether the language of the land we live in or an elder language that inspires us.
We value the right to honor and give worth to our gods as we choose, to raise our children as we choose, to bury or burn our dead as we choose. These things are part of the cultural expression we love, they are our ways, and we desire to live them to the fullest we are capable, it is an honor and duty upon us.
Yet, if hindered in our right to exercise our will in regard to these things a warrior will act to preserve the situation and freedoms within which we can live as heathens. Does this then mean taking up arms and going to war to kill? It can mean this, but it does not always mean this. Yet the warrior spirit would have us rise up defiantly in the face of oppression, to speak the words of our heart and state those things we hold true, and claiming our right to act in accord with the ways of our people, and our undying resolution to do so.
It is the warrior spirit that is needed today in the awakening of our people and the remanifestation of our sovereign tribes, the courage, the boldness, the inner strength of will, the integrity of personal character can be lived by all heathens, men, women, children, and our respected elders, all of us can stand proudly, determined to live true to our ways, determined to act as our conscience dictates, act as our values would have us act.
Thinking of heathenry is never enough, thought dies without expression in word and more importantly in deed. To be heathen we can not simply say this or that, we must do that which we think, we must act within the parameters of our heathen world view. Our actions must be true to our values, true to our ancestors, true to our gods and goddesses.
Every heathen must be a warrior at heart because every heathen has the responsibility to safeguard that which we hold dear, our very existence! You may never be called to take up arms in defense of our people, then again you may. You can always however, aid and befriend those of our folk who are experiencing trouble, you can always take pen in hand and write the truth of our folk and our ways, or, sit at the computer and write a heathen view to who we are and what we believe and thereby enter into battle with those who lie about us, who twist history to paint a hateful view of our people, you can stand and oppose those who label us hate filled, or racist.
There are many battlefields today where the heart of the warrior can find expression.