Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The torture of being a child

I have read too many 'news' articles lately of children being killed outright by their so-called parents.  Women putting newborns into the microwave,  young toddlers being raped and killed by either a boyfriend, or someone close to the mother, and just this morning I read a report of a 13 yr.old boy caged up like an animal in Indiana, and finally died of the beating given to him by his guardians that were supposed to care for him.
The first reaction I have is "What the f**k is going on in this world that children have to be tortured and killed like this by the ones that are put in charge of them in the first place?!!?"  But then I think back on the past when I was going to church and the evangelical preacher raising his fist in the air as if to rally strength, blasting out the 'end time' prophecy of the bible.  Is this the 'end time' ?
Be it the 'end time' or not, I do think that the depravity of man (by man I mean human, not the gender) has become so thick that we as a race of people (the human race) has become jaded and sick with our own needs and wants.  So much so that the simple needs of others, namely children, have become like a fart in the wind.  They are small, they are weak, and they are not threatening to us as physical beings, so they can be beaten and neglected and thrown away like yesterdays trash.  They have also found children's bodies in the dumps lately.
This makes me so sad it breaks my heart.  What can I do?  I have no money really to give to any charity organization, and if I did, would it even get to the destination it should?  I can't go storming into other people's homes and demand they give over their children to me to take care of when the DSS has complaints and they really do nothing but take notes and ask a few questions and leave the situation alone.
What can I do?  What can you do?  That is where I stand right now.  Is there anything we, as caring and loving people, can really do?
I don't pray anymore.  Not that I don't talk to the one I run to.  The word 'pray' basically means to beg, and I don't believe in having to go to my deity and 'beg'.  I also don't believe that the one that created me, created me to stay on my knees and beg.  Why?  Because I was made in my creators image, and I am of my creator and my creator is of me, we are I already have whatever it is I would be begging for.  All I need to do is thank my creator for the gift I am in need of accessing...not receiving (I have already received it).
This is hard for some people to grasp, and I am still working on grasping that, so bear with me.
So.....guess some meditation and concentration on some solutions are in order, but I know I can't do this alone.  I know it will take more than just me to do this.  We all need to reach out, look out for, and help when and where we can.  If we hear of something going wrong in a child's life, if we see something out of line...reach out and help for the right thing to be done.   These kids don't ask to be brought into this world, and they most certainly don't ask to be treated the way that seems to becoming a trend.  These kids are our future; they are the ones that will carry our light and stories into the beyond after we, their ancestors, have gone to the other side.

Maybe I am just rambling, but I felt such a need to put this down.  Hope this post can help even just one child today, tomorrow, forever.

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